⏱ 2 min reading
Do you need the inspiration to motivate yourself to pursue your dreams as a small business owner? Or do you want to take your business to the next level?
In these two cases, it can be really helpful to learn from experienced business owners what you can do to reach your goal. However, most videos of business owners talking about their business can be very long and boring. That is why we looked up some inspiring TED TALKS for you! TED TALKS is a platform where speakers can share their ideas in the form of short, inspiring talks. Besides, the videos are short, you can also watch them for free. Win-Win situation! Sit back, relax, and learn!
Bill Gross – The Single Biggest Reason Why Start-ups Succeed
Bill Gross is the founder of many start-ups. At one point he asked himself why some start-ups succeed, and why others failed. Bill researched data of hundreds of companies and his own employees and came up with five key factors. The outcome is not what you may have expected, so be sure to watch this video.
Paul Tasner – How I Became An Entrepreneur At 66
You are never too old to learn and to start a new chapter in your life. If you don’t believe us, please watch this video about Paul Tasner, who founded his first start-up at the age of 66. He will tell you about founding a company at an older age, this in combination with a great sense of humor.
Richard St. John – The 8 Secrets Of Success
Do you want to know how to become successful? Richard St. John says people don’t become successful only because they’re smart or lucky. Do you want to know what does make you successful? Take the time to watch this 3-minute video and you’ll know what to do!
David S. Rose – How To Pitch to a VC
Are you looking for an investment for your company? Then you probably need to pitch your idea to a venture capitalist. To be able to impress an investor in order for them to invest in your company, you have to make sure you have your story straight. David S. Rose is a serial entrepreneur and a serial investor and has received millions of dollars from investors, and also invested a lot of money in other companies. After watching this video, we are sure you can nail your pitch!